LSQ CEO Update - 05 April 2023

Dear Members and Stakeholders,I hope this update finds you well and ready for a restful Easter break.I recently had the pleasure of visiting the Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy (CAB) at QUT, where I had the opportunity to see firsthand the incredible work being done by the talented researchers. I had the pleasure of speaking with Stacey Cook (bioeconomy), Adrian Baker (coral reef adhesive), and Anthony James (banana biotechnology), who shared their passion for the work they're doing and the impact it has on real-world issues. It was truly inspiring to see the fantastic facilities and the dedication of the researchers.Last Friday, I also had the pleasure of attending the Reds game, where I had some great conversations with the QUT team and guests as well as meet the players. The work that QUT is doing with the Reds shows the future of sport performance, and I'm excited to see what else they have in store.Thanks to the Office of the Chief Scientist for a fantastic Industry Breakfast and it was a pleasure to support you. The panel with Sanofi and industry leaders was packed with insights. Key takeaways about the importance of industry and entrepreneurial skills for graduates, enhancing the connectivity and collaboration of the sector makes a difference. The “Why Queensland?” from Sanofi: outstanding research talent - being able to work with global leaders; quality of research; the core facilities are all in place and the Team Qld transparency and how we are all working in an open and aligned way. We couldn’t agree more that there is so much talent and opportunity here and it is a pleasure to enhance the collaboration and environment for all.I am excited to invite you all to the Future of Health event on 20 April, sponsored by Springfield City Group and PSC Biotech and KE Select. We have an engaging format of panels with diverse sector leaders, Q&A, and group consultation, and we plan to produce an Industry Brief from the session. It promises to be an excellent opportunity to learn from and engage with some of the brightest minds in the field.If you have always wanted to see the great work that ANFF is doing, they are hosting a site visit with us on the 27th of April.On a more personal note, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge Julie-Anne Parfitt, who many of you know from events and engagements. She will be returning to a fantastic role in her sector, and we wish her all the best. We will all miss her. Also want to say a big thank you to Dayna Williamson, who joined us for a brief engagement to work on our program. We wish you well at Children’s Health Qld.We are currently hiring for an experienced events, member, and marketing coordinator. Please get in touch if this is you or someone you know.As always, thank you for your ongoing support of our membership organisation, and I look forward to seeing you all soon. Happy Easter and have a great holiday.Best regards,Erin,CEO, LSQ

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